The truth is, hiring a marketing agency that is the right fit is never easy.
In fact, 63% of companies say that the main marketing challenge they are facing is generating traffic and leads. And the key action to tackle this problem is to find the right fit.
Hence, we want to share with you our story.
Through this seo case study, we will show you how a refined process can make the search for the right fit easier.
And once you will see the results that this process brings…
Well. You will be awed.
A carefully planned and executed digital growth strategy has never let us down with bringing results for our clients over and over again. Up until now, we have hit the goal of over-delivering for our clients every single time.
In this seo case study, you will learn:
- The process that helped us ensure that we have learned exactly what our client wants us to deliver
- How we reached each of the set milestones
- And finally… How we over delivered
So, let’s start with the basics.
Personalize the offering
Some agencies claim that they have figured out a digital marketing strategy that works for every business.
The truth is…
It’s simply not possible.
Businesses expect from agencies that their needs and expectations are understood well.
But in 99% of the cases, marketing agencies won’t live up to client’s expectations.
This is a result of failed processes in action. Let’s face it. It ain’t easy to deliver what you have promised. And faulty processes are your worst enemy during the time when you need to deliver.
So, how do we at Market Me Good avoid failure to deliver?
We deliver more than we promised.
No matter the circumstances!
Easier said than done? We will leave this one for you to judge.
Understanding Client’s Expectations
To win hearts and wallets, a company must do exceptional work. Simply delivering good marketing is not going to cut it.
So the first step is simple.
To deliver exceptional customer experience, we first have to achieve a complete understanding of our client’s goals.
Once you understand and confirm the vision of your client – only then you will be able to deliver.
This is something that many agencies overlook. It is also what sets us apart from others. We believe that the most important stepping stone in achieving massive online growth is to share our clients’ vision.
And so far, we haven’t failed a single time!
Each and every time:
Without failing a single client…
This is possible only because we perfected our sales process over the 10+ years of experience.
You might be surprised to learn that it takes about 2 to 3 months to acquire a new client. But our sales process is lengthy for a reason. It’s crucial to understand what needs to be done.
So, here’s the process that helps us ensure that we are the right fit for the client.
First meeting
The goal of the first meeting with our potential client is to understand our client’s business. There are several key points that we focus on during the meeting.
- What are their business goals for the next 6 months;
- Are the goals realistic and achievable;
- Who is their ideal buyer persona;
- How much do they earn from one client (customer lifetime value).
After acquiring a thorough understanding of these four points, we are able to understand if this could be a successful partnership.
Of course, there are times when we can’t help the client. And we are always honest about it. It is important to understand that not all partnerships are meant to be.
In the case of our client, the goal was clear:
- Double their websites traffic
- And rank for the first pages of Google with certain keywords
After our team researched additional information, we understood that their goals were not only realistic but also reachable.
So we decided that there is potential here and moved on to the second phase.
Second meeting
After we have ensured that the company’s goals are achievable, we start planning. This helps us to prepare a draft of a proposal that aims to achieve the company’s goals.
We are always thorough with this step of the process. This is because planning is the most important thing to make sure we can achieve our clients’ goals.
Our experience in the field, as well as an extensive research process that takes place before taking on a new client is the only way to achieve our end goal – over-delivering.
The math here is simple.
We are making sure that our service brings profit to our clients in addition to achieving set goals.
If this is the case with a potential client, we move on to preparing an action plan. This means we create a proposal of the things and tasks that we will execute to achieve every single milestone we agreed upon.
During the second meeting, we make sure that this plan is in line with our client’s vision of our partnership. If all goes as expected, we proceed to make a super-detailed plan.
Third meeting
The third meeting asks for some serious preparation.
Prior to the meeting, we create a detailed plan of the things that we will do each day and week-over-week. Each task is designed to bring us closer to the goal. We refine and define exactly what we need to do to achieve the goal.
In fact, the strategy that we create is so detailed, that many clients ask us if this is really free of charge:
- We create a detailed plan for the next 6 months;
- We make a Ghant Chart with all the tasks for each week;
- And add forecasts (expected traffic increase and keyword positions for each month).
We succeed in making such detailed plans because we have 10+ years of experience with SEO and content creation. We know the business!
We take pride in this extensive preparation work! It is what has ensured that we succeed with all of our clients.
In the case of this client – that’s exactly what happened.
We learned their vision, created a proposal with a plan of how to achieve it, they though that we are a good fit, and we started the work.
How to Reach Clients Goals
So. Let’s recap.
Our client had a vision of what they wanted to achieve:
- Double their websites traffic
- And rank for the first pages of Google with certain keywords
We did the research and knew immediately that we can help this client to achieve their vision. We created a detailed action plan and executed it with perfection.
Of course, some things needed to be adjusted but that is simply the nature of this business.
Long story short of this seo case study – we did it!
And we expected no other outcome. Our detailed plan and years of experience made it easy to be sure about what we are capable of.
In fact, it helped us over-deliver.
The goal was to double their traffic in 6 months.
With this seo case study we show you that we did it in 5 months!
Pretty neat, huh?
We took over our clients SEO on April 2019. Before that – well, their organic traffic was flat.
We focused on creating best-quality articles around topics that attract potential customers for our client. We optimized them, polished them to perfection and let them do their magic.
This is what happened!
All of the top-ranking pages that bring organic traffic to our client were made by us. You can see that the number of clicks they bring month-over-month is quite impressive.
For example, one of the first posts we worked with resulted in stable growth in visibility and clicks over time.
This was possible because of our preparation and precise execution of the plan that we prepared. We had made a content strategy that didn’t let us down.
This was the case with every single post we made.

Of course, that’s a result of years of experience and knowing how to work to achieve results.
So. We nailed the first goal of doubling the traffic.
What about the second one?
Did we rank any of their pages in the first positions in Google?
I can proudly say we did it with great success!
Several of the well-researched and optimized articles we created for our client are ranking on the first pages in Google.
And here is the amazing part. We achieved top-level success with many of our posts. Meaning, they ranked as number one for certain keywords! The best part is that some of the posts are ranking in the first position for several keywords!
Like this article.
And for another keyword as well…
In fact, Google considers our posts of such an exceptional value that our work is displayed as featured snippet for several queries.
So, clearly – we hit both of our goals in less than 6 months. But let me be straight. Competition for keywords like “business introduction email” is fierce. This was not an exception!
It was not an easy job to do this. But as you probably already know by reading our seo case study, we have mastered the skill of delivering exceptional results.
And here is how we do it:
- Create a detailed plan
- Execute
- Analyze the data
- Learn from results
- Adjust the plan
- Execute
We have revealed the “secret” behind reaching even the most ambitious targets. Along the way, we adjusted some things to make our strategy the winning one.
Within 2 to 3 months we knew exactly what delivers results in the business sector our client was in.
For this reason, it became easy for us after that. We simply focused on the things that brought us results.
As a result, we more than doubled our client’s traffic in 5 months and ranked their pages for specific keywords that brought them new business opportunities.
It’s almost needless to say that the client was really satisfied.
So, what exactly is our secret of over-delivering?
How to Over-Over deliver – Key Takeaway Of Our SEO Case Study
The answer is actually short and easy.
It’s something that I believe in and try to encourage other people to live by as well.
Don’t be an as*hole! That is also the main message of this seo case study.
Something as simple as that will take you further than expected.
- Do more than you promised
- Results were what you promised so do whatever it takes to deliver results
- Don’t hesitate to do extra work when needed – just do it
- And finally – set boundaries! Sometimes a client will ask more than you promised. Other times you will need to do more than expected free of charge to deliver results. It’s important to know when you can ask extra from your client and when it’s your responsibility to take care of something!
To sum up, just do more than is expected of you.
Wrapping Up
So now you know what it takes to achieve the results and over-deliver on what was promised.
The key to success is actually simple. You plan, execute, analyze the data and focus your work on what works best.
There is nothing more to it. Simply do your best and be true to yourself and your clients.
We hope this seo case study provided good insights into the way we work. Our polished approach makes us the best in the business to achieve YOUR targets.
If you choose to trust us with your company’s online growth, then know that you are in good hands.
Let’s see if we can help to achieve your company’s targets.